Monday, October 27, 2014


rebus is an allusion device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words Rebus, which Latin expression signifies "not by words but by things”. The term rebus also refers to the use of a pictogram to represent a syllabic sound. This adapts pictograms into phonogram. The writing of correspondence in rebus form became popular in the 18th century and continued into the 19th century.

One of the most common devices is the positioning of the words and symbols, both relative to the rectangle containing the puzzle, and to the other words and symbols. In the example MAN is in MOON, so it is the man in the moon.

Often attention is drawn to some part of the picture, often by an arrow or underlining, indicating that this is where we should be looking for the clue. Here the arrow points to the first AID, and thus the answer is first aid.

Closely related to position is direction. When a word is spelled in any direction other than the usual left-to-right it is generally relevant to the solution. The example illustrates wake up.

Unusually large or small words or symbols may be used to convey concepts like big, large, small, wide, etc. For example, the rebus puzzle on the right represents big deal.

The device of number is frequently exploited, due to the closeness in sound of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, etc. to other English words. This cryptic example shows 4 GOT 10 HEROES, and so the answer is forgotten heroes.

If a word or symbol is not printed in black, then you can expect the colour to be a relevant in the solution. More difficult rebus puzzles may make use of somewhat more obscure colour names like scarlet or beige. In this fairly easy example CHEESE is blue; it is blue cheese.

The style of the font is sometimes relevant. It might convey such concepts as tall, pretty, thin, slanted, etc. The fat letters in the example here lead the puzzler to conclude that the answer is fat chance.

Very often rebus puzzles are phonologically cryptic. The sound will not always be exactly like the answer, but it will always be close enough to recognise, as in 1s upon TIME: once upon a time

Ø  Rebus puzzles employ the use of pictures or symbols to represent parts of a word. This adds a unique dynamic to learning how to read by adding word association imagery to the equation. This adds a sense of fun to the development of reading comprehension skills that might otherwise be missing.
Ø  By taking the boredom out of learning to read younger students may discover their interest in reading stimulated.
Ø  Rebus puzzles can also be used to get over the hurdle of learning disabilities. Sometimes, a young student may have difficulty deciphering words he is not familiar.
Ø  A rebus puzzle can provide a link between common symbols and their corresponding words.
Ø  Sometimes a young student may reach a learning plateau and it is concepts such as a rebus puzzle that can get them over that plateau.

Clearly, rebus puzzles have great potential for boosting a child's reading comprehension level. This is why liberal use of these puzzles is highly recommended!

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